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Data Exports

Zooniverse projects provide a large amount of data to research teams. These data can be exported from the Data Export tab on a project's Lab page.

Classification export

This csv file has one row for every classification submitted for a project. This files has the following columns:

  • classification_id: A unique ID number assigned to each classification
  • user_name: The name of the user that submitted the classification. Non logged-in users are assigned a unique name based on (a hashed version of) their IP address.
  • user_id: User ID number is provided for logged-in users
  • user_ip: A hashed version of the user's IP address (original IP addresses are not provided for privacy reasons)
  • workflow_id: The ID number for the workflow the classification was made on
  • workflow_name: The name of the workflow
  • workflow_version: The major and minor workflow version for the classification
  • created_at: The UTC timestamp for the classification
  • gold_standard: Identifies if the classification was made on a gold standard subject
  • expert: Identifies if the classification was made in "expert" mode
  • metadata: A JSON blob containing additional metadata about the classification (e.g. browser size, browser user agent, classification duration, etc...)
  • annotations: A JSON blob with the annotations made for each task in the workflow. The exact shape of this blob is dependent on the shape of the workflow.
  • subject_data: A JSON blob with the metadata associated with the subject that was classified. The exact shape of this blob is dependent on the metadata uploaded to each subject
  • subject_ids: The ID number for the subject classified

Subject export

This csv file has one row for every subject uploaded to a project. This file has the following columns:

  • subject_id: A unique ID number assigned to each subject as they are uploaded
  • project_id: The ID number for the project
  • workflow_id: The workflow ID the subject is associated with
  • subject_set_id: The ID of the subject set the subject is connected to
  • metadata: A JSON blob with the subject's metadata
  • locations: A JSON blob with the URL to each frame of the subject
  • classifications_count: How many users have classified the subject
  • retired_at: If the subject is retired this is the UTC timestamp for when it was retired
  • retirement_reason: The reason why it was retired
  • created_at: The UTC timestamp for the creation of the subject
  • updated_at: The UTC timestamp for the latest update to a subject

Workflows export

This csv file has the information for every major version of a workflow. This file has the following columns:

  • workflow_id: The ID number for the workflow
  • display_name: The display name for the workflow
  • version: The major version number
  • active: true if the workflow is active
  • classifications_count: How many classifications have been made on the workflow
  • pairwise: true if selection behavior is set to compare subjects against each other (not typically used)
  • grouped: true if selection behavior set to select subjects by set (not typically used)
  • prioritized: true if selection behavior shows subjects in a given order (not typically used)
  • primary_language: The language code for the workflow
  • first_task: The task key for the first task
  • tutorial_subject_id: A default subject linked to the tutorial (not typically used)
  • retired_set_member_subjects_count: The number of retired subjects from the workflow
  • tasks: A JSON blob showing the full workflow structure
  • retirement: The retirement rules for the workflow
  • aggregation: Information passed to downstream aggregation services (depreciated)
  • strings: A JSON blob containing all the text associated with the workflow
  • minor_version: The minor version number